STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Create a Load Case

  1. In order to define loads, please click on the Loads & Factors group in the Main Navigator pane.
    The Load Description page opens in the Data Area pane. This page allows you to define loads for load cases, as well as assign loads.
  2. Select Loads & Factors > Create New Load Case entry in Main Navigator.

    A form under the load description area will appear allowing you to create a new load case.

  3. Type Load Case 1 for Load Title.

    The Load Title allows you to give each load case a descriptive name to help identify between load cases. Leave the Load Type set as Primary.

    Note: Three load types are available: Primary, Service, and Ultimate. Primary loads can be further used to create combination loads. Service loads are not factored and are used for soil bearing pressure checks. Ultimate loads are factored and are used for shear and reinforcement design.
  4. While creating a new load case, load items from an existing load case can be copied. As there are no defined load case yet, leave the Load Case No field as None.
  5. Select No for the Add Self Weight field.
  6. Click on the Add button to have the load case created.

    The new load case appears in the Load Description Tree in the Load pane.

  7. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 and create a similar load cased titled Live Load.